Monday, April 4, 2016

Overriding Companies Setting | Removing Name-Tag from Wireless Routers

LINKDSL router with "LINKDSL" name tag in front of any name you chose

Do you have a router that you bought from your internet service provider that forces its name tag in your SSID ?
Do you want to change the name of your wireless network anyway you want without having companies forcing its name tag on your router?

Well in this post I will explain how I did it.

Simply... the webpage interface that allows you to change settings and the router communicate using standard GET and POST messages, they are not encrypted and you can simply just edit the request.

Specific instructions:

Open any tool to monitor your get traffic (I used google chromes developers tools but you can use anything you want )(i tried Firefox's tamper data and chromes request maker but they didn't work for some reason)

anyway using Chrome's Developers tools, open Network tab, and there you should see all requests.

open the page in your router where you edit the SSID and change it to anything then click Save.

back to the Network tab you will find the get request, copy paste the request url, it should look something like this.

notice the highlighted area wlSsid=LINKDSL-myname, so if you want your SSID to be "myname" instead of "LINKDSL-myname" simply edit and submit the request again in your web-browser. After Editing

I believe it will work with many routers and access points.

Use this on your own responsibility and in the routers that you own and do not break any laws.
Thank you

Nour Galaby

linkdsl vodafone mobinil etisalat router SSID change name remove router company ssid wireless router wifi name company remove name access point ORANGE

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